Reynolds Culligan Clean-Up Initiative

Reynolds Culligan is partnering up with local and county Parks and Recreation departments to help protect our water at the source.

The “Clean-Up Initiative” is a commitment to a minimum of 250 hours of community service..

According to the EWG;

Much of our nation’s tap water comes from rivers, streams, lakes and groundwater. Many water utilities spend an enormous amount of time and money on treatment or purification processes, because our water sources can be so polluted that basic water treatment does not remove all contaminants.

For water providers, protecting water sources and watersheds from pollution is smart economics. Keeping contaminants out of water in the first place is more cost-effective than having to remove them year after year.

As a family owned and operated organization we all have a vested interest in having the best and safest paths and waterways possible. We look forward to seeing you all out there!

Feel free to join us and check back in for future “Culligan Clean-Up” updates.